
Vidyut Hallekha

225.00 169.00
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Anatomy of Marma

In trauma condition the knowledge of trauma site, structures involving and deformity identification is necessary. So from both treatment and surgical point of view the marma study is important. This book is an attempt to present the concept of marma in a systematic and uniform manner which was lacking till date.

225.00 170.00
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A Textbook of Ayurvedic Practical Physiology

The qualities of compactness and convenience of the book have been achieved by a careful comparison of ayurvedic concepts with modern wherever possible by concision of definitions in so far as brevity permits accuracy, clearness and under rounding. To further conserve space and at the same time to enhance the usefulness of this book. So we feel it is beneficial to include the knowledge regarding Ayurveda and contemporary sciences under one book for students, clinicians, academicians, who can extract information in a short time with least effort.

250.00 188.00
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