A Comprehensive Textbook on Kayachikitsa (Vol.1) is a detailed work on the subject of Kaya Chikitsa. It is one of the four volumes that are planned for releasing over the subsequent months.
Ayurveda samhitas are ocean of medical knowledge. Samhitas are written in sutra roopa through shlokas. For present generation students and practitioners itís bit difficult to under-stand and analyze these sutras as the essential knowledge of Sanskrit is lacking. Hence in this book of Kayacikitsa the concepts of hetu, linga and aushadha jnana are elaboratively discussed. The knowledge gained from Gurus, granthas, tadvidya sambhasha, research publications etc. are utilized in this book to understand the concepts related to vyadhi and cikitsa.
Contents of A Comprehensive Textbook on Kayachikitsa (Vol.1):
- In the first chapter elaborative introduction to kayacikitsa has been given alongwith de-tailed description regarding Kaya, Prakruti, Vyadhi, Cikitsa, Bheshaja and Roga-Rogi Pariksha.
- Second chapter explains the concept of Kriyakala i.e., both Rutu kriyakala and Vyadhi kriyakala of Acharya Sushrutain in detail.
- In third chapter an elaborative description towards basic treatment concepts of diseases like Vrddhi-kshaya of Dosha-Dhatu-Malas, Ama, Avarana Dhatu Pradoshaja vikaras and Samanyaja-Nanatmaja vikaras along with Upakrama for Dosha vaishamya are given.
- Treatment concepts like Dvividhopakrama, Shadvidhopakrama, Shodhana-Shamana are discussed in fourth chapter. The supportive important concepts for Saphala cikitsa like Aushadha sevana kala, Bheshaja matra, Anupana and Pathyaapathya are also discussed in the same chapter.
- The fifth chapter, concept of Manas elaboratively discusses the Guna, karma, sthana, manah shareera sambandha etc. of Manas.
- Sixth chapter explains the Nutritional disorders and non-communicable disorders from modern perspective.
- In the Seventh chapter, discussed about Jara-Geriatric disorders like Alzheimerís De-mentia, Sleep Disorders from both ayurvedic and modern perspectives. Eighth chapter con-tains Genetic and Environmental diseases, Iatrogenic diseases, Food poisoning and explana-tion of Allergy from both ayurvedic and modern perspective.
Plans of Future Volumes of the Work:
- The second volume contains diseases related to Rasavaha and Raktavaha Srotases, emer-gency conditions, endocrine disorders and National health programs.
- Third volume contains diseases of Annavaha srotas, Mamsavaha srotas, Medovaha srotas, Asthivaha srotas and Majjavaha srotas.
- Fourth volume comprises of Shukravaha srotovikaras, Manovaha srotovikaras, Rasayana and Vajikarana.
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